Oralist Directory



Orality sits at the interdisciplinary crossroads between linguistics, literature, anthropology, history, and the performing arts, which are united by field-specific theories and methods.

The international ORALIST DIRECTORY includes:

    • Orality specialists (and doctoral candidates) from diverse disciplinary backgrounds who devote a significant portion of their teaching and/or research activities on orality (see Oralist Form);
    • Institutions and organizations whose scholarly activities are exclusively or partially focused on the study of orality in its various interdisciplinary conjunctions (see institution form), to be defined later.

Oralist Form

The form should be completed in French (or English). Its purpose is to provide a concise record of the information indicated. Forms will be periodically updated.

Typographical and Bibliographical Guidelines

The form is in .doc(x) format. Please use the Unicode UTF‑8) font Arial Unicode MS (or Times New Roman) when completing the form. The bibliographical style should be as described below. Titles written in non-Latin script should be followed by a transliteration in Latin characters. Please translate titles into French (or English).

Bibliography Guidelines

    1. Books

Name, First Name (full name), year, Book Title [Transliteration and/or translation], where published, publisher, number of pages.


    1. Journal Articles

Name, First Name (full name), year, “article title” [Transliteration and/or translation], Journal Title, where published, pagination.


    1. Chapters in Multi-author Books

Name, First Name (full name), year, “article title” [Transliteration and/or translation], in Name, First Name (full name), (Eds.), year, Volume Title, where published, pagination.





ORALIST FORM (photo optional)


First name, Last name


University and/or Research Unit

Address (e-mail ; telephone optional, Web page)

Language of orality and country

Discipline and research field

Key words

Works (5 publications related to orality)

Work in progress

Date and Name of the not’s author